Coyotes Code of Conduct

Coyotes Lacrosse seeks to instill in each of its boys and girls:
- strong fundamental skills and a passion for the game,
- a true appreciation of teamwork; and
- a deeper understanding of how character, integrity and sportsmanship define success.
To achieve these objectives while allowing our players to learn the game in a safe and healthy environment, Coyotes Lacrosse offers the following guidelines that constitute our club’s Code of Conduct that is signed by all participants during registration.
- Representing your team, your community, and your family as a player for the Coyotes Lacrosse program is a privilege.This privilege carries with it several expectations.I will contribute my BEST EFFORT at all practices, games and events.I know that hard work demonstrates both my commitment to the team and respect for the other players, coaches, and officials.I will compete with intensity and will not let a bad day slow me down.
- I will show RESPECT for the game, coaches, officials, my teammates, and the opposing team.I will say “thank you” to the adults who are volunteering their free time to make my lacrosse experience special. I will not show bad sportsmanship whether winning or losing.
- I will show EMPATHY towards my teammates, coaches, and officials.I will treat others the way I would like to be treated.I will offer to help others when I can.I will never bully or make negative comments to other players, regardless of the difference between their skill or mine.I will acknowledge and show appreciation for others’ efforts through an encouraging attitude and comments. I will refrain from boasting about my accomplishments.
- I will accept RESPONSIBILITY for my behavior on and off the field.I understand that what I say and do affects my team and coaches and younger kids who see me as a role model. If I make a mistake, I will acknowledge it, apologize, and try harder the next time.
- I will accept any consequences that my coaches may give me for failing to meet these expectations, including being seated for the rest of a game or practice (first offense), conferencing with my parent(s) about missing further games (second offense), or being asked to leave the Coyotes program (third offense).
- I will SUPPORT my player, his/her teammates and coaches.When problems or questions arise, I will encourage my player to present them to their coaches to develop self-advocacy.If the issue still requires attention, then I will contact the coach. I will affirm effort, not just victory.
- I will MODEL SPORTSMANSHIP and COURTESY by acknowledging and applauding the efforts of all players, regardless of team or game outcome.I will speak politely to all coaches, officials, opposing players and parents. I will refrain from boasting openly about my child’s accomplishments.
- I will PRIORITIZE my child’s development as an athlete and person of strong character over winning.I support coaches’ best judgment as to playing time, position, and other issues in this regard.
- I will CONTRIBUTE to this volunteer community program from which my child is benefiting.When I can’t, I will show appreciation to those who are volunteering on my behalf.
- I will COMMUNICATE effectively about my players’ status to coaches and team members.
- I will MODEL STRONG CHARACTER and SPORTSMANSHIP by respecting each of my player’s development equally at practice and in games.I will show the same highest level of respect for the rules of the game, the officials, and the opposing players and coaches.I will be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.
- I will TEACH the game with PASSION, emphasizing the FUN of the game, the team and effort ahead of wins and losses.I will establish and communicate team and individual development goals, and teach the rules of the game and hold my players accountable to those rules in practices and games.
- I will accept RESPONSIBILITY for holding the team I coach accountable to the Coyotes Code of Conduct.